Cook My Own Meals

After four years, living in the junior residence all the senior students at Liger Learning Center move to a different residence called Senior Residence. So when we all moved there we need to learn how to budget your money and cooked your own food. We do this because we want to get ready for university, which we need to live with other people that we never known, cooked our food and budgeting your money well. So to do this we had learned how to cook from the Liger’s chief. We learned how to cook different food and different types of cooking. After learning with him we also have a test to see that, are we ready to cook our yet. Finally we moved to the senior campus and cooked our own food. I and my apartment members need to divided the turn to cook each day. Some food that we had been cooking are fried rice, sandwiches, fried noodles, sausages with eggs and Loc Lac. It turn out that we love it a lot, living independence, cook own food and take care our apartments.

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