Khmer History Book Summary

Summary of the Cambodia’s History During the French Colonization

Once over time, during the French Colonization in Cambodia from 1863 to 1953, everyone in the country was busy with, the foreign invaded the country. Many and many chiefs always have met with the king at Udong, to protect the country from French leader and Vietnam. Many citizens waive their life to defend this nation, and many leaders gathered villagers for their troops to fight back against Vietnam. But sadly, those leaders were getting kill by Vietnamese soldier, which they famously buried them only to emerge the head where they put to secure the pot to boil water. Cambodian never gives up to fight back to bring peace and freedom to this country.

This story was first to take place in a house covered with tiles roof, mangoes trees and other plants everywhere. This is where one of the leaders who sacrificed his life for this country live. Ji-Sva is the steward of a tycoon couples house, and he is working very very hard every day, also loyal to his landlords. The husband tycoon was really busy every day at the royal palace for meetings. Ji-Sva listens quietly and heard what the meeting about, so Ji-Sva feel upset and angry to Vietnam. Ji-Sva hated Vietnam more and more over time, so he decides that this is the time he should leave the tycoon’s house and find destiny to fight back against Vietnam. He also changed his name to Ah-Jah Sva. During an evening at the rice field, Ah-Jah Sva met at the guy who has the shovel on his shoulder and looks like he been suffering from something. So, Ah-Jah Sva asks him what happened, and it all about Vietnam invaded the country, took control the villages and take everything that belongs to the villagers. Ah-Jah Sva feel sad, and know that this is his time to revenge Vietnam, so he told the guy that he is prince “Phim” the some of the previous king “Em”, who fled away from the country to Thailand and want to come back to fight against the foreigners. The guy decided to join Ah-Jah Sva, to help out other Cambodians. Ah-Jah Sva, picked the guy to be his assistant and started to mobilize the citizens to join him and fight over Vietnamese. Ah-Jah Sva told the villagers that he is prince Phim the son of the king Em, who fled to Thailand and wanted to help out the country against foreign invaders. Everyone started to believe him, and know that he has a magical tactic in war. He leads the group and faced Vietnamese in war, and Vietnamese are all run away out of line and scared of Ah-Jah Sva’s armies from that day on. Speaking of the tycoon and the king at Udong knows that Ah-Jah Sva mobilized armies and fight back against the foreigners, they get really happy and touted him. Even though, Vietnam’s armies run away in the village that Ah-Jah Sva control, there are many places that Vietnam invaded and also been fighting back against them by the royal’s armies. Many and many centurions, had led armies and fight back against Vietnam but almost all of them are were defeated.

This is where the second place where Ah-Jah Sva moved to call, “Veang Snore”. He told his assistant, to meet with the chief in that village and call him to join the group. Ah-Jah Sva’s troops started to get bigger and bigger, and every Vietnamese troop also scared this troops. Ah-Jah Sva, was too happy, the pride of his victory, and forget about his purpose on fighting against Vietnam he ends up going to war with the same race, which Cambodians fight with Cambodians. Ah-Jah Sva has killed many country loyal leaders because he was crazy with his power and want to be famous. Ah-Jah Sva continues fighting against French armies and the king’s armies, till his troops were almost eliminated by the king. King Norodom, was mad and unhappy with what Ah-Jah Sva have done, not fight against the foreign but fight against the same race, so the king announced to all the citizens who able to capture Ah-Jah Sva alive will be giving a price. Time went on, Ah-Jah Sva and his assistant were in threat one by the king’s armies and two Vietnam’s armies were coming back to Cambodia. After knowing that the king is hunting him, Ah-Jah Sva told his man to kill some of the king soldiers and the citizens who disagree with his discipline.

Ah-Jah Sva moved to a different location called, “Mort Jruok” and told his assistant to go and convince the village chief to join him. The village chief thought was a secret spy from the king who was willing to join Ah-Jah Sva in order to capture him alive. They talk and talk until they reached the agreement to meet with Ah-Jah Sva and the camp. Vietnam heard the information that Ah-Jah Sva was hunted by the king, so Vietnam takes that opportunity to kill Ah-Jah Sva who had defeated them once. Vietnamese armies surrounded the camp and want to capture Ah-Jah Sva, so his loyal assistant told Ah-Jah Sva to stay in the hole whether something happened do not come out. Ah-Jah Sva was out alive with his assistant from Vietnam’s armies but all his troops were running away from them. Ah-Jah Sva and Doung, the assistant run to a pagoda and took it as the place to hide. The two soldiers leaders wanted the price from the king, so they followed Ah-Jah Sva to the pagoda and looking for him. Ah-Jah Sva was founded hiding on the ceiling at the pagoda, so the both of the soldiers take their gun and scared Ah-Jah Sva to come down. But sadly, Ah-Jah Sva was too afraid and lose his hand to the ceiling and fall down dead at the moment.

After Ah-Jah was found dead, the two receive their price as the commune chief. But still France didn’t give us back the independent and they scared of people will get up and fight against them back, so they give the king less power and can only stay in the palace.

This is one of the sad story in Cambodia’s history, which Cambodia fall dramatically and all the foreigners trying to invade this country. From this history, I am Cambodian myself shouldn’t repeat this moment again in the future. I salute to all the Cambodian who fight back for the freedom of the country and bring back the independent. Thanks to king Norodom Sihanouk, for all his hard work, to help all Cambodian to bring and asked back the independent from France, on the day of 9th, November 1953.


2016/2017 Yearly Reflection

After five years at Liger Learning Center, I continue to make the positive impact to change Cambodia, as it is my beautiful country. In year five explorations the course of 2016-2017 there is three explorations that come into my mind that has helped to make a positive effect on changing Cambodia. Specifically, in year five, I have many explorations that take a step forward to change Cambodia, such as Preventative Health; Geology of Cambodia and Cambodia Infrastructure. In those explorations, I have done many things to change Cambodia and I am really glad that I had participated in those explorations.

In my second exploration, I studied Preventative Health. Our focus in this exploration is to teach people who live on the islands to be healthy, within anti-diabetes and teeth problems include teeth decay. In class, we collected all the information, and have done many pieces of research in order to take that knowledge of prevented people from diseases to share and teach those people on the islands. In this exploration, we had a field trip go to Koh Rong and specifically work with Song Saa Foundation to teach the people in Prek Svay village to know how to take care themselves. We had prepared a play, presentations and educational games for the children in two different schools on different islands. The play is about the two cousins, that one of them get diabetes and one has teeth decay, at the end, we emerge up the solution to those problems, which to have a healthy diet, balanced diet and brushing their teeth often and correctly every time after they had had a meal. We wish that those students will take the knowledge that we share with them, and continue sharing those experiences they had with us to their parents, cousins and or their neighbors. During this trip, we also have another chance to snorkel and scuba dives to see the reefs, seagrasses and other aquatic animals such as sea stars and seahorses. This action of studying about aquatic animals, it helped us to learn why are those animals are endangered, and for us to take action to prevent those species go extinct and to educate people about the benefit of those species to our country, which also make them change their perspective on those animals. So, during this exploration, I had had an agency to change Cambodia, which one is to educate people how to take themselves and two is to educate people about the benefit of those aquatic animals.

During my fourth exploration, I studied Geology of Cambodia, we are the first ever students in Cambodia to study and explore about geology in this country. In class we learned many things about rock and how it formed, we watch videos, researching on the precise website and get the information from the American geologist. We also have three field trips, which where we see and learn more about rock and identifying the rock type. We’ve been to Kep, Kampot, Koh Kong, Ratanakiri, and Mondulkiri, which both plains are on the opposite side of Cambodia. In most part of Kep, Kampot and Koh Kong we saw much limestone and sandstone which was formed in the ocean that due to the pressure and the depth of the sea. For Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri we mostly saw basalt which is in Igneous rock type and is formed in the volcanoes’ lava. Since we the first Cambodian to study about Cambodia’s geology, we gathered as much statistics as possible to share with many other Cambodians to know what Cambodia used to look like within geology. In our sharation, we share what we learned to Cambodians and foreigners that come to see our presentation about geology. We also hope that the changes, in government schools curricula, is to add geology in their focus, which is provided more education to Cambodians all over the country.

For the last exploration, I studied Cambodia Infrastructure. Infrastructure is all the physical structure that societies, cities, and countries need in order to develop, function and increase economic growth. Infrastructure helps countries to work efficiently, attract investment and businesses, and make citizen life easier promoting the country’s economy to grow which can create more jobs to the citizens as well. Therefore, everyone in the country will benefit from infrastructure. As Liger is a change agent school, our goal is to change Cambodia. So in this exploration, we want to change the look of Cambodia within the infrastructure, including health, transportation, utilities, and agriculture. We want to build new systems, for Cambodia to work well and efficiently like other developed countries. So in order, Cambodia to be more successful we need better road systems, better technology, and better every other thing. Specifically, in this exploration, we work on Minecraft, the game to build future Phnom Penh that has better roads, better technology, and better transportation systems include the subway. We build many things that we think that it would help Cambodia especially Phnom Penh, is one of the best city in the world. We also know that if Cambodia has better infrastructure, therefore many international businesses will come into Cambodia and start their business there because the companies will produce their products efficiently, take less time transport and it all benefit them. So in this exploration, we help to see future changes for Cambodia, in order to improve Cambodia to be better and better.

So, in year five at Liger, there are three explorations that come into my mind when we talk about changing Cambodia. As we all the Liger’s students, and the future leaders of Cambodia, we need to learn about our country and try to make it better and better on. We should try hard to learn, take all the education as much as we can, and not keep it inside you, please share with others, so they get to know what Cambodia should have to make it a developed country. At the end, I hope next year, during the course of 2017-2018, I get to participate in other exploration that helps to make positive changes in Cambodia and to make it even more better.

Argument Essay: Pygmalion Play

In the fifth years at Liger, it seem like everything has changed. One of the thing that had changed at Liger is English Literacy class. In our English class we had read a play name Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw and I wrote an argument essay about one of the character in the movies which is Eliza Doolittle.

Would you believe that an uneducated woman who is optimistic, can she improves her life? The play: Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. Eliza Doolittle is a flower girl, who find the opportunity to improve her life by learning with Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering to read and speak proper English. Eliza Doolittle’s both internal and external characteristic had changed. Even though she has changed both, the internal and external characteristic, but it seems she most likely has changed her external characteristic more than internal characteristic.

Eliza Doolittle is the main character in the play Pygmalion, and the audiences meet her in Act I. At the beginning of Act I, Eliza acts like she is an immature girl who is dramatic, always whines and cries, whenever someone touches, hurts or says something to her just a bit. Eliza said, “Ah—ow—ooh! [Picking up a couple of florins] Aaah—ow—ooh! [Pick-ing up several coins] Aaaaaah—ow—ooh! [Picking up a half-sovereign] Aaaaaaaaaaah—ow—ooh!!!” she cries and whines and acts like she is a little girl who had been hurt by others. This demonstrates how she is acting like an immature girl because she lacks self-confidence .

At the beginning of Act I, Eliza acts like she is an immature girl who is dramatic and always cries and whines, whenever someone hurt her a bit. But at the end of Act V, her internal characteristic changes, from the immature girl to a proper lady. But at the end of Act V Eliza comes back to Higgins’s laboratory, wore beautiful Victorian clothes with a work-basket and said confidently to Professor Higgins, “How do you do, Professor Higgins? Are you quite well?” Here she knows how to talk properly and have self-confidence for herself to do a small talk with Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering.

Eliza Doolittle’s both internal and external characteristic had changed. Even though she has changed both the internal and external but it seems like she most likely to change her external characteristic, more than internal characteristic. The evidence shows that in Act I Eliza is an immature girl who whines and cries a lot, but at the end of Act V she has more confidence in herself.

Solar Cooker Investigation

I had learned in investigation class, in this expertise we were doing experiment about some science. We have seven weeks to learn and make a report to show our teacher. Here is my report:

Project Name: Solar Cooker
Your Name: Panharith Yav & Hongly Phal

What is the highest temperature of cooking with Solar cooker can get?

Background Information:
Cooking is the art, technology and craft of preparing food by the using up of heat. Cooking is a unique technique that people all around the world like to do and learn. There are many type of resources that people around the world use for cook, such as grilling food over an open fire to use electric stove, to baking in different type of oven, using solar cooker and more types of cooking resources. Also there are many chiefs in many restaurant around the world that cook food to serve to the quests. The scientist says that there are people in the past 250,000 years ago has been cooked food with fire even though there were a research that says the first fire was appeared in the past 400,000 years ago. In cooking method we have different types of cook, it include baking, roasting, frying, grilling, barbecuing, smoking, boiling, steaming and braising. Our project is about the solar cooker. Solar cooker is a device that uses the direct sunlight to heat, cook food or drinks such as milk. Even though there are many type of powerful and expensive cooker that cooks for a hundred peoples, solar cooker is no use of fuel so that not going to affect to the environment. Also the solar cooker is helping many chief to save their money of spending for buying fuel and does not affect their health. There are many types of solar cooker that had appeared on earth such as curved concentrator solar cookers, solar ovens, penal cookers and among more of them. The solar cooker morality is to concentrating sunlight, converting light energy to heat energy and trapping heat energy. But although the solar cooker only can be use under the hot sunny day, it cannot be used under the cloudy day.

Our hypothesis is that we predict that one part of the experiment solar cooker will help to save electric energy for cooking. Also we predict that electric cooker will cooked faster than our solar cooker because it is rainy reason and there less sunlight.

Experiment or Design:

Required Material:
Pen/Pencil and notebook

Step to Do Experiment:
Step 1: Fill your pods with water for 1 liter.
Step 2: Put your solar cooker under the sun and pre-heated your solar cooker for about 5 minutes.
Step 3: Measure temperature of the water before putting it onto the solar cooker.
Step 4: Put the pods right in the middle of the cooker.
Step 5: Then check the temperature of the water in every 20 minutes in 1 hour, total times.

Find the sunny place
Face your cooker toward the sun.

Data Charts:

First Experiment:
Place: Near Swimming pool
Direction to the sun: South-west
Time: 2:22 p.m.
Water Level: 1 liter
Total Time: 1 hour

Times: Temperature:
Started Point 27.2222 degrees celsius
20 Minutes 37.7778 degrees celsius
40 Minutes 40 degrees celsius
60 Minutes 40 degrees celsius

Second Experiment:
Place: Senior Campus
Direction to the sun: West
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Water Level: 1 liter
Total Time: 1 hour

Times: Temperature:
Start: 26.6667 degrees celsius
20 Minutes: 36.6667 degrees celsius
40 Minutes: 38.8889 degrees celsius
60 Minutes: 40.5556 degrees celsius

After doing our experiments many times we find out that our product didn’t work well with our pod so we need to design the new product to keep more heat inside the pod. We should make the solar cooker that can keep more heat and for our product we can only react to about 4.56 degrees celsius.

In conclusion we need to change our design so that it can trap more heat. The temperature only can reached to about 40.56 degree celsius. So we find out that our hypothesis is quite wrong, our design help to save energy from cooking with gas but it take much longer time.



Literacy 2016-2017

This year is different from the years before, this year we mostly focus on reading, writing and speaking. At the beginning of the year we were reading one play name Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, in class we were reading it out loud and some part we acted the the action from the play out to the class. After we read some part of the play we summarized it to our team. After we finished an Act in from the play, we always work in the team to answer our two main question, which are: What is identity? And another one: Can identity changes? Also for reading we not just read the play, our teacher also make a reading group for us and we picked our own reading book, and my book called Into the Wild. Now in the middle of the school year, we focusing on paraphrasing the ads meaning from different advertisements. Down there is my work that I had read the articles through website and paraphrase it:

Panharith Yav
December 14th, 2016
Literacy 2

Gender Roles in Advertisements

Currently there are many advertisers who used gender roles in their advertisement to attract customers, especially the images shows the stereotype of men and women. Gender roles affect viewer’s identity in many ways such as behavior and their perspective.

The New York Times, stated that most of the advertisements use men ads in the negative way because they think it funny and it’s the way to attract customers. They had changed from women stereotypes to men stereotypes. Some department said that, “the way the advertiser using men ads in negative way, it is not a good way to build relationship with customers.” This effect the young boy’s identity by the way that they get the idea of being males are bad if they not used the product so boy will think that they must used that product to be a good looking men.

According to Allison Lantagne from the Huffington Post, gender roles in advertising are influenced everyone even little kids. Nowaday, more and more ads are not using traditional gender roles any more, they start to show that men can do houseworks and women can works outside of the house. It affects the viewer’s identity by the way that men and women are having gender equality, so that mean men can works outside of the house and women can work outside of the house too.

In conclusion, there are many advertisers who use traditional gender roles in their ads. But currently there are some departments who stop the traditional gender roles in ads and focus on fair advertisements.

Work Cited
Lantagne, Allison. “Gender Roles in Media.” The Huffington Post. Web. 13 Dec. 2016.

Courtney Kane, “Men Are Becoming the Ad Target of the Gender Sneer,” The New York Times, Jan. 28, 2005.

Preventative Health Exploration

First of all, I really happy to be in this exploration! These were the best experiences for me. I had learned a lot of things from this exploration. On trip, the people at the islands and Song Saa foundation was so friendly to us and I really exited to go there and learn with them again. My favorite experience were snorkeled to see the coral reef at Song Saa’s private reef, scuba diving closer to the coral reef, hiked to the waterfall, snorkeled to find seahorse in seagrasses meadow, saw a lot of jellyfish and starfish and to see the bioluminescent for my first time.

Most of those experience are my first time, and I really proud of myself to be in this exploration and get to learn about those things. I had learned a lot about the three main ecosystem in marine which is seagrasses meadow, coral reef and mangrove when I was there. I really exited to share my knowledge that I got from this exploration with other people on the island and to see people at there, they are really healthy. In class I really exited about the play that our group had organized to share with the people on the island, also I had learned a lot from the play.

The things that I had learned from the play are how to floss. This is my first time to learn how to floss and it also my new experience, the reason that we need to floss because it can clear out the bacteria that stuck to your teeth and between your teeth and gum. Also, how to keep you healthy. To keep you healthy you need to eat balanced diet and exercise, which at Liger I mostly did that. Next one is, what is balanced diet, balanced diet is that when you eat a lot of vegetables and carbohydrate but didn’t eat a lot of sugar and fat.

So I really, really happy to be in this exploration and I want to say thank you to Karen for letting me be in this exploration. It was the best experience for me, when I studied in this exploration.

Slam Poetry_Team

“My Daddy Gift”

He said that I never be a good kid for him never ever,

But sorry dad I wish I’ll be a better kid one day.

I always want what I shouldn’t receive,

New shoes, new clothes, and other things.

They said that you not a good father,

But it seems like they all wrong.


Mama always told me that you always care about me,

But I never believe her, until I see the truth,

You really love me in the way,

That I never notice about you

And now you gone, gone forever.

Should I be forgiven by you, should I?


You left me what I want, shoes, clothes that you’ve worked hard to get it

Everything that you’ve done is for me and our family

I wonder, do you ever think about yourself

I guess, you never think about yourself

You always think about me and our family,

Now, new shoes, new clothes and everything new,


It’s not important to me anymore,

And now you gone, it just an empty world without you

I really, really, really, want you back,

But now it too late, sorry dad,

I really sorry, sorry for everything

That I have done to you


Slam Poetry_Individual


“We Are Not Terrorist,  But We From Middle East

We know what you think about us

Violence wars and terrorist.

Because we are the one, who from the Middle East

Do you know our feeling?

I know you do, but you don’t care.


You said we are terrorists

So you didn’t let us enter your beautiful land, countries

So do you know that,

There are millions and millions of us

And there just a tiny small percent who are terrorists.


But you didn’t see or feel about us,

We need help, that’s why we try to enter your home

And you shot us down, phong phang, like we were wild wolves

Because you think that we are terrorists

And it actually because, we from the Middle East.


Millions of us dying crying and waiting for help

But no one, I mean none of the world cares

That’s why we try to enter your home.

Why wouldn’t you let us enter your homes

Because we are from the Middle East.


You only care about your country first

We understand that, also

You think that if you let us enter your country

You worried that we will bring problem there,

Because you think that we are terrorists and because we from the Middle East.


Is where you live show about your identity?

You think we are terrorists,

Because we from the Middle East.

Why why and why,

There only one answer, because we from the Middle East.


We know our countries have wars for many many years,

Aircrafts floating on the sky everywhere

As so the tanks moving toward the combat fields

The blue sky turning to dark cloudy sky

And the bombs explode everywhere.


I can’t change my past,

Even though we from the Middle East,

It doesn’t mean we are terrorist,

We tried to find a peaceful place, shade to rest,

That why we leaved the Middle East.


We are not terrorist,

We are really not terrorist,

We are really really not terrorist,

But we from the Middle East

And, we actually from the Middle East.

Visited the Killing Field Reflection

The comparison of the actual place and my idea, in my views, there will be a lot of old building from the Khmer Rouge regime, but they all are destroyed. Also, I think that there was only one killing field around Cambodia, but it actually has a lot of killing fields.

My significant feeling when I went to the killing field was really upset with the ideology of genocide that Pol Pot has.

The things that I have learned/known is that after the killer kills a group of people, then the killer got murdered by another killer. Also, I learn that the Khmer Rouge army knew how to make the poison to put on the dead body and make sure that the people that they killed were actually dead. The last thing that I have learned is that before they use Choeung Ek as the killing field, it was a place for the Chinese to bury their family dead body.

The two questions that I still have are 1. Where the head of the headless dead body that was killed there? And 2. I wonder why in the late 1978s the Khmer Rouge is divided into two teams and why they kill each other?

This trip makes me felt that I need to learn more about the history of Cambodia and be more be careful with the future of Cambodia as I am one of the Cambodian.

Cambodia Infrastructure

For the last exploration, I studied Cambodia Infrastructure. Infrastructure is all the physical structure that societies, cities, and countries need in order to develop, function and increase economic growth. Infrastructure helps countries to work efficiently, attract investment and businesses, and make citizen life easier promoting the country’s economy to grow which can create more jobs to the citizens as well. Therefore, everyone in the country will benefit from infrastructure. As Liger is a change agent school, our goal is to change Cambodia. So in this exploration, we want to change the look of Cambodia within the infrastructure, including health, transportation, utilities, and agriculture. We want to build new systems, for Cambodia to work well and efficiently like other developed countries. So in order, Cambodia to be more successful we need better road systems, better technology, and better every other thing. Specifically, in this exploration, we work on Minecraft, the game to build future Phnom Penh that has better roads, better technology, and better transportation systems include the subway. We build many things that we think that it would help Cambodia especially Phnom Penh, is one of the best city in the world. We also know that if Cambodia has better infrastructure, therefore many international businesses will come into Cambodia and start their business there because the companies will produce their products efficiently, take less time transport and it all benefit them. So in this exploration, we help to see future changes for Cambodia, in order to improve Cambodia to be better and better.