In Liger we have one curriculum called Expertise and we learn in this curriculum for being the expert of something. One of my expertise is English pronunciation, I learn this lesson because I want to improve my English. In this class we have three things to work on first is speak slowly, second speak loudly and third speak clearly to speak English as well as I can because English isn’t my first language. In the first week we chose a song in English to listen in a small team of two students then, learn how to sing and pronounces the words clearly. Then we go back the big group and sing the song as the same as the singer as we can and pronounce the words clearly. The next week we have the paragraph in English and we divided into team again and we share the speech in the small team than we stand up and read our speech out loud to the big team. Then we start to learn the specific words like Australia and Hospital and we want to put the stress in the right syllable. Now I feel like I had improved my English and I felt really proud of myself.
Virtual Marine Scientific Report
Blue Mussel, Mytilus is one of the aquatic animals that protected by their shell. This type of animal is most likely be found along the rocky shore along the coastlines, bays and the river’s mouth that connect to the ocean. In fjord, the ecosystems along the rocky shore are the most blue mussel founded. In this ecosystem, these animal are really benefiting for other aquatic animals, such as that this animal can be the habitats for fish and other organisms. So doing research scientist, show that blue mussel would decrease the larval growth when ocean water facing ocean acidification. So to do this project, take control on the pH in the water, use the current ocean pH (8.1) in 3 replicates to see the difference, and collect data. Also to prove the hypothesis is correct, use another pH (7.3) which is more acidic in 3 replicates and at last collect another data. At the end of the experiment, compare the hypothesis with the result to see if the hypothesis is correct. The objective to do this experiment is that to show how climate change affects the ecosystems and especially the organism that chosen to do the experiment. So the hypothesis is that the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases.
Material & methods
Choose a dependent variable, which is the blue mussel. Also choose the independent variable, pH 8.1 and pH 7.3 and each of the pH makes three replicates and each replicate should have the same temperature, which is 8-degree celsius. After choosing the dependent and independent variable, so the control is the pH and temperature. At last choose the parameter to measure the size of the organism, blue mussel.
- Aquarium Tanks
- Mussel (Mytilus)
- Water
- Food
- Book\Pen/Pencil
- pH meter
Methods to Set Up the Experiment:
Step 1: Setup the tank, buy a tank and choose the organism (blue mussel), then choose pH 8.1 as choosing the temperature 8-degree celsius, and don’t forget to click on food (no food the organism will die).
Step 2: Click on the same tank and make 2 more duplicates, after the click should have three tanks emerge up into images with the same setup as the first tanks.
Step 3: Buy another empty tank, set it to the same organism, temperature, and food, but change the pH to pH 7.3.
Step 4: Click on the same tank and make 2 more duplicates, after the click should have three tanks emerge up into images with the same setup as the first tanks.
Step 5: After finishing the setup for the experiment, click finish and set the schedule for Brian to collect data and also feed the mussels.
In pH 8.1 on Day 1 the size of the larvae is 101 and pH 7.3 the size is 97, the difference is 4 micrometers. On Day 7 pH 8.1 larvae size is 123 while larvae size in pH 7.3 is 119, also on this day the larvae size is 4 micrometers different. On Day 13, larvae size in pH 8.1 is 164 but the larvae size in pH 7.3 is 139 and the difference is 25 micrometers. On the last day which is Day 19, the larvae size in pH 8.1 is 185 and the larvae size in pH 7.3 is 165, the different is 20 micrometers. It seems like the larvae size in pH 8.1 is bigger.
This result shows that the decrease in pH (more acidic) in the ocean will affect the growth of blue mussel larvae to decrease in size. All the day that the data collected from both pH level, all the data shows that the blue mussel will grow faster and bigger when the pH level is 8.1. So if the human is not reducing the energy that we used every single day and all those deforestations more and more carbon dioxide will release into our atmosphere and most of them are observe back into the ocean. When it observes to the ocean, the ocean will get more acidic and it really affects to blue mussel growing process, not just the blue mussel but other aquatic organisms too. If I am going to do this experiment again, I would want to use three different pH which is pH 7.3, pH 8.1 the same and add another one which is pH 8.4 to see the difference of size of the blue mussel. Also, I would rather collect more data from more days in order to see more difference between the two pH. According to my result that Brian collected for me, I can clearly say that my hypothesis matches with my result, which is the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases.
So, in conclusion, the result is accepting the hypothesis, which is the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases. So in pH 8.1 mussel grow faster and bigger than pH 7.3 in all day. Today, currently the pH of ocean starting to diminish, which means it really affects to blue mussel growth process. To stop this every human should stop deforestation and reduce burning fossil fuel for energy. If I going to do it in further experiment I would add one more pH to the experiment and collect more data from more days.
“VirtualLbb.” Virtual Marine Scientist. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.