English Pronunciation

In Liger we have one curriculum called Expertise and we learn in this curriculum for being the expert of something. One of my expertise is English pronunciation, I learn this lesson because I want to improve my English. In this class we have three things to work on first is speak slowly, second speak loudly and third speak clearly to speak English as well as I can because English isn’t my first language. In the first week we chose a song in English to listen in a small team of two students then, learn how to sing and pronounces the words clearly. Then we go back the big group and sing the song as the same as the singer as we can and pronounce the words clearly. The next week we have the paragraph in English and we divided into team again and we share the speech in the small team than we stand up and read our speech out loud to the big team. Then we start to learn the specific words like Australia and Hospital and we want to put the stress in the right syllable. Now I feel like I had improved my English and I felt really proud of myself.

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