Khan Academy on Algebra 2

This term we were studying about polynomial and rational functions. It involved how to divide polynomials, real and complex zeros, graphing polynomials, and rational function. From using the precalculus book as well as Khan Academy as our main resources, I can practice the skills that I have learned in class. I personally think that the topic in Khan, Exponential Growth and Decay, is the hardest among the practices I have, and it took me the most time. However, through working with my friends and asking clarifying questions to the teacher, I can get it further.

The First Eatable Experimental Product | S’more Lab

This lab is the first time ever that we were allowed to actually eat the experimental product which is the s’more. After learning how to balance the chemistry equation, experimental and theoretical yield, and limiting and excess reactants we simulate this lab to further our understanding in those areas. Limiting reactant is the reactant is all used in the experiment and excess reactant is the reactant is leftover in the experiment. Experimental yield is the actual product that we got in the experiment and in this case is the mass of the s’more and theoretical yields is the product that we should get. After the experiment, my team actually found out that the percent yield is 101% because our experimental yield is bigger than our theoretical yields, the denominator.