Slam Poetry_Individual


“We Are Not Terrorist,  But We From Middle East

We know what you think about us

Violence wars and terrorist.

Because we are the one, who from the Middle East

Do you know our feeling?

I know you do, but you don’t care.


You said we are terrorists

So you didn’t let us enter your beautiful land, countries

So do you know that,

There are millions and millions of us

And there just a tiny small percent who are terrorists.


But you didn’t see or feel about us,

We need help, that’s why we try to enter your home

And you shot us down, phong phang, like we were wild wolves

Because you think that we are terrorists

And it actually because, we from the Middle East.


Millions of us dying crying and waiting for help

But no one, I mean none of the world cares

That’s why we try to enter your home.

Why wouldn’t you let us enter your homes

Because we are from the Middle East.


You only care about your country first

We understand that, also

You think that if you let us enter your country

You worried that we will bring problem there,

Because you think that we are terrorists and because we from the Middle East.


Is where you live show about your identity?

You think we are terrorists,

Because we from the Middle East.

Why why and why,

There only one answer, because we from the Middle East.


We know our countries have wars for many many years,

Aircrafts floating on the sky everywhere

As so the tanks moving toward the combat fields

The blue sky turning to dark cloudy sky

And the bombs explode everywhere.


I can’t change my past,

Even though we from the Middle East,

It doesn’t mean we are terrorist,

We tried to find a peaceful place, shade to rest,

That why we leaved the Middle East.


We are not terrorist,

We are really not terrorist,

We are really really not terrorist,

But we from the Middle East

And, we actually from the Middle East.

English Pronunciation

In Liger we have one curriculum called Expertise and we learn in this curriculum for being the expert of something. One of my expertise is English pronunciation, I learn this lesson because I want to improve my English. In this class we have three things to work on first is speak slowly, second speak loudly and third speak clearly to speak English as well as I can because English isn’t my first language. In the first week we chose a song in English to listen in a small team of two students then, learn how to sing and pronounces the words clearly. Then we go back the big group and sing the song as the same as the singer as we can and pronounce the words clearly. The next week we have the paragraph in English and we divided into team again and we share the speech in the small team than we stand up and read our speech out loud to the big team. Then we start to learn the specific words like Australia and Hospital and we want to put the stress in the right syllable. Now I feel like I had improved my English and I felt really proud of myself.

Virtual Marine Scientific Report


Blue Mussel, Mytilus is one of the aquatic animals that protected by their shell. This type of animal is most likely be found along the rocky shore along the coastlines, bays and the river’s mouth that connect to the ocean. In fjord, the ecosystems along the rocky shore are the most blue mussel founded. In this ecosystem, these animal are really benefiting for other aquatic animals, such as that this animal can be the habitats for fish and other organisms. So doing research scientist, show that blue mussel would decrease the larval growth when ocean water facing ocean acidification. So to do this project, take control on the pH in the water, use the current ocean pH (8.1) in 3 replicates to see the difference, and collect data. Also to prove the hypothesis is correct, use another pH (7.3) which is more acidic in 3 replicates and at last collect another data. At the end of the experiment, compare the hypothesis with the result to see if the hypothesis is correct. The objective to do this experiment is that to show how climate change affects the ecosystems and especially the organism that chosen to do the experiment. So the hypothesis is that the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases.

Material & methods

Choose a dependent variable, which is the blue mussel. Also choose the independent variable, pH 8.1 and pH 7.3 and each of the pH makes three replicates and each replicate should have the same temperature, which is 8-degree celsius. After choosing the dependent and independent variable, so the control is the pH and temperature. At last choose the parameter to measure the size of the organism, blue mussel.


  • Aquarium Tanks
  • Mussel (Mytilus)
  • Water
  • Food
  • Book\Pen/Pencil
  • pH meter

Methods to Set Up the Experiment:

Step 1: Setup the tank, buy a tank and choose the organism (blue mussel), then choose pH 8.1 as choosing the temperature 8-degree celsius, and don’t forget to click on food (no food the organism will die).

Step 2: Click on the same tank and make 2 more duplicates, after the click should have three tanks emerge up into images with the same setup as the first tanks.

Step 3: Buy another empty tank, set it to the same organism, temperature, and food, but change the pH to pH 7.3.

Step 4: Click on the same tank and make 2 more duplicates, after the click should have three tanks emerge up into images with the same setup as the first tanks.

Step 5: After finishing the setup for the experiment, click finish and set the schedule for Brian to collect data and also feed the mussels.


In pH 8.1 on Day 1 the size of the larvae is 101 and pH 7.3 the size is 97, the difference is 4 micrometers. On Day 7 pH 8.1 larvae size is 123 while larvae size in pH 7.3 is 119, also on this day the larvae size is 4 micrometers different. On Day 13, larvae size in pH 8.1 is 164 but the larvae size in pH 7.3 is 139 and the difference is 25 micrometers. On the last day which is Day 19, the larvae size in pH 8.1 is 185 and the larvae size in pH 7.3 is 165, the different is 20 micrometers. It seems like the larvae size in pH 8.1 is bigger.


This result shows that the decrease in pH (more acidic) in the ocean will affect the growth of blue mussel larvae to decrease in size. All the day that the data collected from both pH level, all the data shows that the blue mussel will grow faster and bigger when the pH level is 8.1. So if the human is not reducing the energy that we used every single day and all those deforestations more and more carbon dioxide will release into our atmosphere and most of them are observe back into the ocean. When it observes to the ocean, the ocean will get more acidic and it really affects to blue mussel growing process, not just the blue mussel but other aquatic organisms too. If I am going to do this experiment again, I would want to use three different pH which is pH 7.3, pH 8.1 the same and add another one which is pH 8.4 to see the difference of size of the blue mussel. Also, I would rather collect more data from more days in order to see more difference between the two pH. According to my result that Brian collected for me, I can clearly say that my hypothesis matches with my result, which is the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases.


So, in conclusion, the result is accepting the hypothesis, which is the Blue Mussel size will be smaller when the pH of the ocean decreases. So in pH 8.1 mussel grow faster and bigger than pH 7.3 in all day. Today, currently the pH of ocean starting to diminish, which means it really affects to blue mussel growth process. To stop this every human should stop deforestation and reduce burning fossil fuel for energy. If I going to do it in further experiment I would add one more pH to the experiment and collect more data from more days.


“VirtualLbb.” Virtual Marine Scientist. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.

Short Story

Spirit of My Godmother

The snow slowly falls during a winter evening, all trees vanish down the road, the cool air flew through a window, and then the sound stamping on the glossy floor when my mom walks swiftly to the window and shut it down, in Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.


My mom strolls back to me, rapidly and put my red blanket cover me,“Are you okay Lucas, let keep you warm, my son,” the voice of my mom gently voice talking to me, while she settles down on the wooden tool.

Suddenly, I heard a man with a massive voice talking to my mom, “He has only about 3 more months.”

My mom started to cry with the tears in her eyes, and then she holds close to my hand tightly, such as female bear holds close to her offspring. My heart slowly pumping blood throughout my body, just like a river water flow into smaller streams, while I am napping on the hospital bed. Every day my mom comes to the hospital, she sits beside me and the tears drop from her eyes. I want to talk back to her and comfort her, but how I possibly talk to her while I am lying and sleeping on the bed without any sign of hope. Although she knows that there isn’t any chance for me to survive, my mom always prays and hopes that I will escape from this adverse situation.

The sound of my mom smoothly and gently, devoted to god,

“Lucas is my only son please gods help him, I will do anything for my son to survive, even though you take my life for Lucas.”Then the doctor comes in the room again, with hurried and worried face and talks to my mom, “Mrs. Mason we don’t know what is your son deceased, but we only know that he has really shot time and really small percents to stay.But before that happen we promise to try our best to save him,” the doctor continued hastily.

I get worst and worst over time in the hospital, my heart gradually not processing well, the doctor rush to my bed and take me to the emergency room. They start taking heart pumping machine out and process it on my chest when the electricity running through my chest into my heart. Suddenly my heart working with normal beats like a drum beats in my favorite band, One Direction. Doctor send me back to my room and tell my mom that I surely have no chance to survive. The next day, my mom bring everything that I like from home, including my favorite red toy cars, my red caps, red football, One Direction toys, and read my favorite book to me.

She sits down on a wooden stool, next to my bed and said softly,

“Lucas, even though the doctor said that you not going to survive.” She continues whispering sadly with the tear in her eyes, with a hopeful word,“But, I still believe that you not going to leave me alone in this world, and if you were gone I just feel like a single boat in the middle of the sea, no want to talk to or no one that can make me happy.”

She reads the book to me as usual, and she says that before I had this disease when I am free I like to play football with my friends. I did really well at school, also she tells me that soon when I wake up my friends are waiting for me to play football with them. Moreover, my mom said that I am the happiest son on Earth, and she said that I am a really shy kid, but when coming to my story I always brave enough to talk and share with others, just like when the flower touches water and blooms back during spring. Next day, she comes into my room as usual but she doesn’t see or know where I am. She runs to as many and many doctors assistants, and at last one of the assistant tell her that doctor take me to the emergency room again. Then she runs hurriedly and faithfully straight into the emergency room, while the teardrops from her brooding eyes, but the doctors let her wait inside.

I heard she cries out loud, outside the room “I need to see my son, I don’t want anything to happen to my son, please doctor help him I will do anything to require you”.

That I heard the doctor said, “Yes Mrs. Mason, we will try our best to save him but now we want you to wait outside.”

My body strokes, my arms tightly can’t move, my head pinned onto the bed, my mouth wide open but do not make any noise, my eyes spread open bigger and bigger. Then the doctor quickly, processing their job to save my life as they worried about my heart beats. My heart beats get really low on the electric measurement beside my head.

Later on, the doctor goes out and look at my mom while he knocks his head and said, “He has, two more weeks, we already try our best to save him, but we have no more option to do, sorry.”

As soon as my mom heard what the doctor said, she kneels down on the floor without any hope just like you get locked inside the hungry lion’s cage and just like swimming in the ocean and suddenly there are many sharks surrounded you. The doctor tells my mom that, I might have some chance if my mom send me to the State Hospital, which is the best hospital on Earth and it is honestly super expensive. The doctor also added that, and if my mom wants to send me to another hospital, she needs to do it very quickly before I get any worst than my situation now. Then my mom talks out loud that, even our family poor she stills do anything to save my life. My mom works really hard to get money to save my life, she sells our home and land just to get money to save me. Now my heart literally barely working, and after all the hard work of my mom, she sends me to another state, and to the hospital that the doctor told her. Besides she knows that I have no second chance to live, just like groups of termites build their nest under the strongly stormy rainfall, they are never going to build the nest fully.

When I arrive at the State Hospital in Minnesota, the doctors rashly send me right in the emergency room. I am alone in Minnesota, while my mom waiting to see the result in my town because she doesn’t find enough money to be here with me. In the emergency room, doctors find out that I have unoccupied, meat grows in my heart, which means that I have extra meat. Then they send me to the surgery room and begin to do the surgery on my chest. They break my chest and into my heart, while my heart is beating really slow. They take my heart out and stick me the oxygen right in my nose and my mouth. After they took my heart out, the doctors do a surgery on my heart, just to get the unoccupied meat out. One of the doctors said to another doctor, that they can’t do anything with my heart, they need a new heart from someone that has the same type of blood and heart as me. But how can they get the heart to replace my heart, that what I really wonder and worried, if that the person that gives heart to me, still they live or die and but if they know they going to die because of no heart so why they donate it to me, instead of keeping their life.

As I am waking up the next morning, I suddenly saw an old couple standing to surround my bed and they call me Stephen, I wonder why they call me Stephen instead of Lucas. They kneel down next to my bed and say sorry for all the things and sorry that they leave me for about 16 years. They say that I am their child and the only child they have, but they decide to leave me without any reason and give me to another couple, which is my mom Amalia Earhart Mason, and my dad Earhart Mason. They say that they needed to leave me because they want to find money to save me later on in life, but accidentally they get tricked from others. But, over time they try to free their self and come back to me when they have what they need, which is money. And now it is a chance which they can come in and say sorry for everything, and want me back to live with them in the big fancy house. I was shocked, instantly after I heard they said that I am their child and they leave me for 16 years. I am little sad at the movement, but I try to understand their decision so I forgive my parents.

My real parents, want to take me to their home but I told them that my second mom lives in a small town in Boston State, so I want to bring her to my real parent’s home too. My mom and my dad agree to let me visit my second mom and bring her to their home. I really happy and we three, fly back to Boston to meet my mom. When we arrive at the town, I ask the people there do they see Mrs. Mason, but they all said that she flew to Minnesota to meet me. So we, fly back to Minnesota to find my second mother. When I arrive at the hospital that I went to, I ask the doctor there and they said they get my heart from a woman that comes into the hospital and said that she will give me her heart, and now she already pass away. I can’t feel anything, I just fall down on my knee right to the ground just like an apple fall from an apple tree, that never going to be back on the tree. My tear suddenly drops from my eyes, just like the rainfall, I can’t feel my arms, my face nor my body just like a status that have no feeling and no action.

My dad and my mom, come right into me and hug me and say, “She really loves you, Lucas, that why she did it for you, in this world no one like her she is the best human that we had never seen before.”

Then they bring me to their home, the sky is dark and crying will all millions of raindrops as their tears just like my feeling when my mom disappear. I look through the window and saw my second mom shadow saying to me that, “I wish you the best of luck with your parents, and sorry that I never tell you about your first family.”

I arrived at my parent’s home, my feeling not as down as it was when I was in the hospital. They buy me everything I would want, but I remember my past that I used to not have that much stuff to play. I still do miss my adopted mom, that always look after me and sacrificed herself just to save me, even though she knows that she not my real mom. I try to be happy, with my new friends and new everything, and I wish my adopted mom happy to see me here. Now my mom is pregnant, the baby comes out and she is a girl so I named her Amalia, just like my god adopted mom.

Animal Guide of Cambodia Book Launch

After a full an Exploration of working on researching the information of different species of animal in Cambodia. Moreover, we’ve been continuing this research in Essential which allowed us to edit work and wrote the description of those animals. So for nearly a year or so, we finally published the book.

We went to Meta House because we had published The Illustrated Guide to Wildlife of Cambodia. It was a celebration of a project that took over two years to complete. We revealed our books and displayed over 300 of our original watercolor paintings. We sold many of each and all the money went to printing and distributing the books for government schools all around Cambodia. We believe these important books will inspire other kids in Cambodia to protect their native wildlife.


Weekly Journal Partner Check List

When I went to my hometown for my holiday it was very fun. The thing I liked is to play with my brother and played football with my friends at my old school. I also had somethings that I didn’t too. The things that disadvantage to me was all my friends they were went to learn so no one played with me also when I was at home it so boring because I did not have somethings to do and no friends to play with me. Also I have freedom when I was home compared to Liger because at home I can played and relaxed but at Liger we learned and have a lot of worked to do for example homework activities and not so many time we can relaxed a lot. I also liked Liger too because at Liger have a lot of friends to play with me and helped me. Also at Liger at the weekend we can relaxed and played some game in Lap Top like Minecraft. At the weekend we can chooses the activities to do and I can played football with my friends. But at home no one helped me a lot and played with me a lot. The same things at my home and Liger there had a lot of people played with me and helped me but at Liger there had more people that help me. The different things was in Liger there was busy then my home because in Liger had homework learned a lot and cleaning the house but at my home I just relaxed and cleaned the house also I learned too but not a lot. My home and Liger I liked them both and it have somethings that I liked and somethings that I did not liked.

Student Name: Niron

Date: 1/16/2015

Writing topic/question/project: Comparing being at home and being at Liger

Number of sentences: 12

Writing partner: Panharith


Writing Conventions Example of feedback you made
Do their sentences end with the correct punctuation mark? (ex. period, question mark, exclamation point)  
Do their sentences start with a capital letter?  
Are other proper nouns capitalized? (ex. Liger Learning Center, Exploration, JoJo, Kampong Speu, Literacy)  
Are the verbs in the correct tense for the time and person? (ex. She walked, I run, we went)  
Do their sentences have at least one verb?  
Are all words spelled correctly? Did they use spell check? Becuse —> Because


Ideas and Organization Rationale (why do you think you can check off this area)
Did they answer the question clearly?  
Is the writing interesting to you? Interesting: He show what the different at home and Liger so clearly.  
If it was a story, was there a beginning, middle and end?  
Did they use any interesting vocabulary? Example:
Are the sentences complete? Are they too long (run-on) or incomplete (fragment)?  

Any other feedback: Your written had improved now you should proud of your self!

My Weekly Journal_ Khmer Performance

This is the Weekly Journal that I write about Khmer Performance about Jayavarman VII:

On Sunday night we went to Diamond Island to watch the Khmer performance about King 7. When we arrived there we stopped outside to eat dinner. During dinner I saw the concert about football English Premier League. Then when we ate our dinner finished we went into the Diamond Island theater and we started to go in the place that the people were performing. When we were in there they started to say about King 7 and about Khmer Empire. Then they started to close the light and they started to perform to us and other audience. When they started they had the Champa people and Khmer people and they fought together to get the places. Some spots they had some comedy and some were sad. When King 7 went to fight with Champa they had one person that betrayed to King 7 and he wanted to become the king. Then they killed the people in Angkor that didn’t want him to become the king. Then King 7 he came back from fighting and his father died. Then the Champa people came again and then they got Khmer Empire. Then King 7 he talked to men and women sincerely to Khmer so they practiced with each other. Then King 7 started to fight Champa people back and King 7 he won the fight with Champa and he got Khmer Empire back. Then when the performance finished we came out and went on the bus. Then the sky started to rain and the road had a lot of water. When we arrived at Liger we went up to the bed and slept.

My Weekly Journal_ Cambodia Tropical Forest Ecology Trip

This is my trip to Koh Kong for 2nd time:

On last week my exploration group went to Koh Kong. On the way to Koh Kong we cross Kompong Speu province and we stopped in one place that called Woods School and we stopped at there to learn about the wood. Simon told us they are some people they cut the woods to made somethings like table, house, and other things. We also learn from Simon about the people that logging they used just the inside of the wood so they put the outside in the forest. Then he started to tell us about the history of that place. He said during the Khmer Rouge there have one woman she traveled to French and she had an idea to use the outside of wood to make the table and bed and other things that can make from the outside of woods. After he say finish ho took us to the place that make the table, bed, and another thing els. After we ate lunch in Wood School finish we went on the bus and traveled more to Chi Phat. When we arrived Chi Phat we ate dinner at there. The next day we went into the forest and slept in the forest for 3 nights. First night we slept at O’malu campsite during we are there we swam at the waterfall and has found some rocks and some samples. Second day we walked to another campsite call Veal Ta Prak and we slept and ate at there. The last day in the forest we walked to Dom Nakos campsite when we walked it has a lot of leeches and I got 75 leeches but no one bit me because I heat them with the pole. In the morning we went on the small boat and rode to the place that can stopped then we went on the big boat and rowed to Chi Phat. When we arrived Chi Phat we went to eat lunch and wrote the blog and at the evening after we ate dinner then we went to our quest house and we did the reflection. Then the next day we came back to Liger.

Verb Quiz Result

This is the Verb quiz in literacy class. This quiz is about the Main verb, Helping Verb, and Verb Phrase!

23/29 – Excellent work! —> 29/29

  1. What is an action verb? Give three examples. Action verb is tell what we doing for example Run, Walk, and Drink.
  2. What is a helping verb? List four examples. Helping verb is the verb that help the action verb in the sentence more clear. For example Are, Has, Is, and Might.
  3. Does every sentence have a helping verb? No
  4. What are the parts in a verb phrase? Write me a sentence and make the verb phrase pink.

The part of verb phrase is HV + AV or + MV + Infinitive I am going to Koh Kong.

  1. Does every sentence have a main verb? YES!!!
  2. Can a sentence have more than one main verb? NO!!!
  3. Yesterday was Monday. ←- In this sentence, WAS is not a helping verb. Why not? Because it don’t have the action verb. Good!
  4. Helping verbs usually tell more about the action verb. What do they tell about the action verb? They tell when does the action verb happen. Yes!!

Write AV for action verb or HV for helping verb. If it is not a verb at all, write NO.

  1. stopping AV        6. been HV                       11. works AV
  2. at No                      7. caught AV                   12. erases AV
  3. grew AV                 8. conjugating AV        13. had HV
  4. were HV                 9. can HV                        14. worse No
  5. nice No                  10. muddiest No          15. down No
  6. Hongly ran home.

HV = No

AV = Ran

MV = Ran

VP = No

  1. Kanha and Sreypich were laughing together.

HV = were

AV = Laughing

MV = Laughing

VP = Were laughing

  1. The desk is green.

HV = No

AV = No

MV = is

VP = No

  1. Tomorrow it will rain.

HV = Will

AV = Rain

MV = Rain

VP = Will rain

  1. He was walking down the stairs.

HV = was

AV = walking

MV = walking

VP = was walking

  1. I want to go to Phnom Penh tonight.

HV = No

AV = No

MV = Want

VP = Want to go