LigerPride Yearbook

This is the first time that we created our school yearbook so we decide to create one exploration doing about yearbook. In this class have six original students and two facilitators. In the first week we kind of bring up some ideas about the layout of the book and the title of the book. We had borrowed some yearbook from other school to see what their layout look like. Second week we start to write some activities and curricular in Liger such as Essentials, Expertise, Explorations, After School Extensions and Extracurricular on weekend. When we finished the writing we send it to our facilitators and they will edit and add some comment for us. Then we start to design the layout of our yearbook. We were working on the cover and some curricular in InDesign. When the exploration had ended we not yet finished the whole book so we decided to continue this project on other time. So the second time we did this now we have 11 students working on it. We had fished almost all the layout of the book and we going to print it soon and each of the Liger students we get one of our book. Our goal of this yearbook is to make our students remember what they have done in the past and look how they different when they were young and at the future.

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